Attorney-at-law & Mediator
Specialty in the following legal areas:
Real-Estate (buying, renting, Croatia and Austria)
Inheritance law (Croatia, Austria)
Family law (Croatia, Austria)
Mediation for Family Business
Croatian Bar Association (HOK)
Rechtsanwaltskammer Wien (RAK Wien)
German Bar Association - Deutscher Anwaltverein (DAV)
Verband Deutscher Anwälte (VDA)
Juristenverband, Austria, Vienna
Foreign languages:
The lawyer Adler focused during her career also intensively on other areas of law such as commercial law, company law, enforcement and insolvency law. To be able to provide, however, to her clients quality services, she limited her scope of action to family and inheritance law, as well as Family Business Mediation. Nevertheless, her knowledge in other legal areas can always be used in those cases the lawyer Adler currently focuses on.
What do we stand for?
The Law office & Mediation office ADLER is oriented towards family and legal relationship. The members of the office team know from the experience that the resolution of family legal and inheritance issues creates uneasiness, uncertainty and stress with clients. We believe that it need not be the case; everyone has the right to happy and fulfilled life. Thus we are assured that through our comprehensive engagement we can awake our clients and support them in their effort to pass through the quoted situations with positive emotions. It is our business success to see our clients continue leading successful and quality lives with our help.
How do we work?
The Law office & Mediation office ADLER aprroaches its clients as a team, reacting as shortly as possible and in the most optimal possible manner. We are led in our work by desire to provide our clients with the feeling of complete understanding and absolute safety of being in good hands. By listening attentively to our clients, dedicating ourselves to their situations and trying to support their interests and needs in the best possible way, we deeply believe that we can provide the optimal solution for every client.
What do we do?
The Law office & Mediation office ADLER represents clients and provides mediation in the field of family and inheritance situations: marriage - divorce – property - inheritance.